Terra-Petra is certified under NEHA –NRPP to test for Radon Gas. We have the in-house technology to test for Radon down to the smallest levels. The NEHA National Radon Proficiency Program is the leading certification program for radon professionals in North America. The NEHA National Radon Proficiency Program is the leading certification program for radon professionals in North America. Note that this program was officially deemed equivalent to the USEPA’s certification program in 2001. Since then, through the professional efforts of the National Environmental Health Association and the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists, and the independent oversight of both an independent Policy Advisory Board and Education Advisory Board, (consisting of 16 public and private sector officials, educators, practitioners and well respected scientists), the NRRP program has grown into the largest body of radon professionals anywhere in the world.
Individuals and laboratories holding NEHA-NRPP certification have not only met the requirements set forth by the original EPA program, but they are constantly looking for ways to raise the standards of professionalism. The NEHA-NRPP logo carries both the tradition and commitment of the National Environmental Health Association and the responsibility to full compliance with national standards and regulations.
Contact Terra-Petra for a Radon Gas Testing proposal today.