Terra-Petra has provided ongoing regulatory monitoring and reporting of the Penrose Landfill, in Sun Valley, since 2002. The scope of our activities has included monthly and quarterly monitoring and reporting of perimeter monitoring probes in compliance with South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1150.1 and CalRecycle’s Title 27. The regulations require former landfill sites (such as this) to manage fugitive methane gas emissions offsite to levels below 5,000 ppmv.
This work has included routine gathering and evaluation of field data and the preparation and submittal of a report summarizing all monitoring readings as well as laboratory analyses of landfill gas grab samples.
We are also obligated to conduct annual ambient air sampling (weather station and integrated air sampler) and reporting from surface gas emissions into the atmosphere. All monitoring work is carried out under the direction of our Senior Project Scientist and reviewed and stamped by our Registered Civil Engineering crew.