Whether you are building on a property located in the City of Los Angeles’ Methane or Methane Buffer Zones, or in Playa Vista, or within a Building Restriction Zone designated by the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), you will be required by code to complete a certified methane soil gas investigation and to report your findings. Terra‑Petra has completed over 275 methane soil gas investigations in Southern California alone. We have a vast amount of experience completing the required Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, Certificate of Compliance Form.01, as well as writing a certified report of our findings directly to the OCFA.

Keep in mind that Soil Gas Investigations aren’t restricted to testing for methane gas. The term Soil Gas Investigation refers to the methods utilized to collect vapor data at sites potentially affected by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, methane, hydrogen sulfide and semi volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), as well as toxic or carcinogenic chemicals of concern. The data obtained from a soil gas investigation can be used to identify the chemicals of concern and the spatial distribution of contamination at a site; or to evaluate the potential for indoor air contaminants for health risk assessment purposes. Upon completion of our on-site investigation we provide each client with the necessary forms or reports as required by the governing agency. Every document is stamped and signed by our Civil Engineer.

More information about our soil gas investigation services:

Contact Terra-Petra today for more information about these and other services we offer.