Serving the following areas and more:
Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
Albuquerque, Austin, Dallas, Denver, Houston, San Antonio and More!
Case Study:
As regulatory agencies and scientists begin to look at vapor intrusion into buildings, these issues have come up in real estate transactions in many parts of the country. Real estate developers, real estate investment trusts, and banks then start to ask questions and the environmental lawyers and the environmental consultants that work for them are now asking if vapor intrusion is a problem. What are the concentrations of chemicals in buildings that may arise from human sources in the ground (in soil and groundwater)? Do such concentrations present a risk to people who work, live, visit these buildings? A new ASTM standard entitled “Standard Practice for the Assessment of Vapor Intrusion into Structures on Property Involved in Real Estate Transactions” (E-2600-08). The standard provides for a tiered approach to assessing and mitigating vapor intrusion conditions (VICs). There are four tiers within the mitigation approach. Each tier is very different and requires a specialized direction to get to the appropriate resolution.
Terra-Petra has expertise working in the “tiered” approach to these issues and concerns. Texas, like many other states, is becoming very complicated and demanding when it comes to understanding the new requirements. Terra-Petra has a deep knowledge base of the local code, and has the in-house expertise to manage each situation to conclusion.