Soil Management Plan Implementation – Richmond Oil Field
Terra-Petra recently mobilized to a development within the Richmond Oil Field in Yorba Linda, CA after the grading contractor working on the site encountered what they described as “black colored material”. Soil that carries these characteristics is suspected of being impacted by petroleum-contamination, pesticide impact or other hazardous materials and needs to be tested by a laboratory to verify the actual presence of contaminants and at what concentrations.
In this particular case, Terra-Petra elected to run the following tests on the soil samples we collected from the site under a strict chain of custody protocol.
- EPA 8260B by 5035 – Volatile Organics by GC/MS + Oxygenates/Gasoline Range Organics
- EPA 6010B by 3050 – Title 22 CAM 17 Trace Metals by ICP-OES
- EPA 7471A – Mercury by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption
- EPA 9045C – pH
- EPA 8270C-SIMS Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
With the laboratory results Terra-Petra was able to conduct a site assessment to delineate the potentially impacted area, which was approximately 90’-180’ . The Soil sampling was implemented in accordance with the site-specific Soil Management Plan (SMP), which is essential for any development where impacted soils may be encountered. Within an SMP should be a section describing the specific response/remedial actions that will need to be carried out for any impacted soils.
Numerous agencies can become involved with remedial actions for projects in Orange County in particular. For example, the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) and Orange County Fire Authority as well as the local planning department will be notified and involved in such matters. Additionally, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the California Department of Conservation, Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) and South Coast Air Quality Management District may become involved until a no further action status is attained.
In the coming days and weeks Terra-Petra will be drafting and submitting a Work Plan to carry out the remedial activities under the oversight of the local agencies involved.