Terra-Petra’s Justin Conaway To Speak At AVIP’s 3rd Vapor Intrusion Conference

Terra-Petra's Justin Conaway To Speak At AVIP's 3rd Vapor Intrusion Conference

Terra-Petra Vice President and General Manager Justin Conaway is set to be a speaker at the AVIP’s 3rd Vapor Intrusion Conference October 20-23, 2024.  This year’s conference will be held in Anaheim, CA.  As a proud member of AVIP, we are excited to have Justin be a speaker at the event.

About The Conference

The Association of Vapor Intrusion Professionals to Host the 3rd Vapor Intrusion Conference October 20-23, 2024 at the JW Marriott Resort – Regulators, Attorneys and Consultants Working Together for Best Practices to provide Soil Gas Safe Communities.

About AVIP

The Association of Vapor Intrusion Professionals (AVIP) is a community of professionals dedicated to advancing the industry and science of vapor intrusion. The purpose of this association is to promote the establishment of accepted and recognized best practices for vapor intrusion professionals, provide contextual knowledge, and serve as a resource of information for the general public.

Terra-Petra Vapor Intrusion Services

Terra-Petra has been a leader in providing nationwide consulting for vapor intrusion, bringing hundreds of successful vapor intrusion projects to the table. Terra-Petra utilizes the most efficient technologies, pushing for pragmatic solutions that make sense for our clients’ economic and environmental concerns.

Terra-Petra’s vapor intrusion services include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Site Assessment
  • Passive And Active
  • Human Health Risk Assessment
  • Certified inspections
  • Consulting
  • Design | Build Capabilities
  • Design Report Preparation
  • Creating And Implementing Operation Maintenance And Monitoring Programs
  • On-Going Monitoring And Reporting

Terra-Petra Receives 2023 Los Angeles Award For Environmental Engineering

Terra-Petra Receives 2023 Los Angeles Award For Environmental Engineering

LOS ANGELES December 5, 2023 — Terra-Petra Environmental Engineering has been selected for the 2023 Los Angeles Award in the Environmental Engineering category by the Los Angeles Award Program.  This is the 11th year in a row that Terra-Petra has received this honor.

Each year, the Los Angeles Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Los Angeles area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2023 Los Angeles Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Los Angeles Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About Los Angeles Award Program

The Los Angeles Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Los Angeles area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The Los Angeles Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community’s contributions to the U.S. economy.

SOURCE: Los Angeles Award Program

Terra-Petra’s Justin Conaway Interviewed On Brownfield Braintrust Podcast with Matt Winefield

Terra-Petra's Justin Conaway Interviewed On Brownfield Braintrust Podcast with Matt Winefield

Terra-Petra Vice President and General Manager Justin Conaway was recently interviewed on the popular Brownfield Braintrust Podcast with Matt Winefield of Winefield & Associates.  On the podcast episode Justin and Matt discuss Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Systems (VIMS) and the state of the current environmental engineering industry and vapor intrusion.  Read more below, and watch/listen to the podcast.

In the current Brownfield Braintrust Podcast, Matt Winefield of Winefield & Associates, Inc. sheds light on Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Systems (VIMS) with the help of Justin Conaway, Vice President and General Manager of Terra-Petra Environmental Engineering. Given evolving soil vapor mitigation standards, VIMS are currently much more prevalent than just three years ago. It is unlikely one can acquire, for example, a former dry cleaner site (with PCE releases), run a vapor extraction system, and then pour your foundation. The lead agency will likely specify a VIMS that operates for the life of the new building. Justin explains the three most common VIMS technologies now utilized.

Listen to the audio only version of this podcast.

UPDATED Progress Photos – Methane Mitigation Design Los Angeles

Methane Mitigation Design & Inspection

More updated progress photos on this development in Los Angeles.  Terra-Petra provided methane mitigation design and methane inspection services for this project.

We’re very excited to be a part of this project and to see the progress as it moves forward towards completion.  Click any photo below to enlarge.

If your development project, building or home is in need of Terra-Petra’s methane services, whether it’s methane mitigation design, methane soil gas investigation, methane inspection, methane testing, methane monitoring or methane consulting then Terra-Petra is your top resource.

Contact us today to learn more.

Construction Progress Photos

Methane Mitigation Design & Inspection – Construction Progress Photos

Methane Mitigation Design & Inspection

Recent drone images show construction progress on this development in Los Angeles.  Terra-Petra provided methane mitigation design and methane inspection services for this project.

If your development project, building or home is in need of Terra-Petra’s methane services, whether it’s methane mitigation design, methane soil gas investigation, methane inspection, methane testing, methane monitoring or methane consulting then Terra-Petra is your top resource.

Contact us today to learn more.

Construction Progress Photos

Bay Area Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design

Terra-Petra Environmental Engineering is providing environmental engineering services for the design of the vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) for a development of affordable Senior Housing in downtown San Rafael, CA. The development consists of the construction of a new six-story building. The building footprint is approximately 14,000 SF.

The site served as a Manufactured Gas Plant prior to the proposed improvements. Site assessment work was completed at the site prior to Terra-Petra’s involvement. A Human Heath Risk Assessment (HHRA) and a Site Conceptual Model (SCM) were carried out to determine the potential risk exposure posed to future construction workers, future commercial occupants and future residential occupants of the building based on VOC’s at the site. It was determined that the calculated risks for all potential receptors were less than the bench marks set forth for the property. The bench marks for this site were HI = 1 and ILCR = 1E-6. Results of the evaluation suggest that soil vapor intrusion mitigation systems may not be required to protect future occupants on this parcel.

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) was engaged to serve as the lead regulatory agency at the site. Terra-Petra was directed to design a VIMS system in compliance with DTSC’s published guidelines, which we are in the process of completing.

It will be up to the DTSC to determine if the submitted VIMS design package meets DTSC guidelines and the soil vapor mitigation system provides for adequate human health assurance per the terms of the Land Use Covenant (LUC). If so, the DTSC can formally approve this project. Terra-Petra is confident that our VIMS design will satisfy the mitigation requirements as we have a vast amount of experience designing such systems that have been reviewed/approved by the DTSC.

Aside from the design work, Terra-Petra will be assisting our client in soliciting bids form qualified and experienced vapor intrusion contractors in the Bay Area. We will also be reviewing submittal packages and providing support throughout the Construction Administration Phase of the project. Our inspection crew is slatted to inspect and document the installation of the system using our state of the art field reporting system.

Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design & Installation – San Jose, CA

Terra-Petra Environmental Engineering is pleased to provide environmental engineering services for the design of the vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) being proposed for a new affordable housing development in the Diridon Station Area in San Jose, CA.

The project consists of a multi-family residential building having 130 units with 5 stories above grade (no below grade elements). The lowest level will consist of parking with lobby, offices and a community room. The building footprint is approximately 23,400 SF on 1.02 acres.

The site where the proposed building is to be constructed did contain an Underground Storage Tank (UST) potentially containing PCE which was considered to be a Recognized Environmental Condition (REC). As such, soil vapor data was collected from the site during both wet and dry seasons approximately 9 months apart. The data showed that no on-Site sources of PCE have been identified at the Site. Further, no VOCs were detected at concentrations above residential DTSC-AF SLs for future buildings, and no further investigation, evaluation or consideration of exposures associated with VOCs in soil vapor is proposed. Additionally, no residential units were being proposed on the ground floor of the new development. However, the regulatory oversight agency for this site is still requiring that passive Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) be designed and installed at this building.

Terra-Petra was engaged to design a pragmatic code compliant VIMS system that would take into consideration the lack of site-specific risk. As such, we were able to design a creative membrane system that limited the more protective mitigation measures to areas of higher residential occupancy/risk of exposure. These areas included the community room and elevator lobby. While areas of lower risk such as the trash enclosure rooms and parking garage we were able to design a system that would be protective of VI, but also reduce overall cost impacts on the project’s budget.

Terra-Petra will also be providing Construction Administration services and Construction Quality Assurance/Quality Control Services.

Terra-Petra is Proudly Recognized as an SBE – Small Business Enterprise

Terra-Petra is Proudly Recognized as an SBE – Small Business Enterprise

The SBE is a company-level diversity certification. Non-industry specific it is issued by a local or state government. Terra-Petra’s SBE certification is issued by the State of California.

Eligibility for certification as a Small Business Enterprise varies depending on the issuer. Requirements include the number of employees, the length of time the company has been in business and the net worth of the company’s owner.

In order for a small business to be eligible for certification, the small business must meet the following requirements in California:

  • Be independently owned and operated
  • Not dominant in the field of operation
  • The principal office must be located in California
  • Owners (officers, if a corporation) domiciled in California
  • A business with 100 or fewer employees; an average annual gross receipt of $15 million or less, over the last three tax years.
    • A small business will automatically be designated as a microbusiness, if gross annual receipts are less than $3,500,000; or the small business is a manufacturer with 25 or fewer employees.

Upon meeting the Small Business Certification eligibility requirements, certified small business (SBs) and microbusinesses (MBs) are entitled to the following benefits:

  • A five percent (5%) bid preference on applicable State solicitations.
  • Certified small business/microbusinesses are eligible for the State’s Small Business Participation Program. This program sets a goal for the use of small businesses in at least 25% of the State’s overall annual contract dollars.
  • Under the Prompt Payment Act, the State must pay a certified SB / MB higher interest penalty for late payment of an undisputed invoice. Prompt payment penalties for construction firms are addressed separately under Public Contract Code, Section 10261.5.
  • State agencies may use a streamlined process, known as the SB/DVBE Option, by contracting directly with a California certified small business/microbusiness for goods, services, information technology and Public Works projects. The solicitation must be valued at more than $5,000 and the State agency must obtain price quotes from at least two California certified small business/microbusiness.
  • The DGS-PD charges state and local agencies an administrative fee, when contracting with a California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) vendor. As an incentive, the fee is waived, if the CMAS vendor is a certified small business/microbusiness.

Terra-Petra maintains a working knowledge of numerous environmental and soil gas mitigation matters. Our staff includes Methane Consultants, Radon Mitigation Engineers, Construction Managers, Civil Engineers, Registered Environmental Assessors, Registered Geologist/Certified Engineering Geologist, Petroleum Geologists and Petroleum Engineers. This experience gives Terra-Petra the ability to find compromise solutions for any environmental concern that may arise.

Terra-Petra offers on-call consulting services in the City of Los Angeles. We are available to do the work or make official visits at any time as needed.

Contact us today at 1.888.540.5703 or info@terra-petra.com.

Soil Gas Investigation Los Angeles, CA

In early January, Terra-Petra performed a soil gas investigation (SGI) in Los Angeles, CA, in accordance with LADBS guidelines (Information Bulletin Ref. No. 91.7104.1, P/BC 2002-101) under Terra-Petra’s LADBS Methane Testing Lab License #10224, for a major property developer.

We are pleased to continue the partnership to provide mitigation design and consulting services. The project consists of the construction of a new slab on grade warehouse building with a building footprint of approximately 169,253 SF.

There are as many as six (6) oil wells on this property, three of which may fall under the footprint of the new building. The scope of work includes methane mitigation plan design (passive system) and permitting, methane gas detection system design (active system) and permitting, and construction administration support.

Soil Management Plan Implementation – Richmond Oil Field

Terra-Petra recently mobilized to a development within the Richmond Oil Field in Yorba Linda, CA after the grading contractor working on the site encountered what they described as “black colored material”. Soil that carries these characteristics is suspected of being impacted by petroleum-contamination, pesticide impact or other hazardous materials and needs to be tested by a laboratory to verify the actual presence of contaminants and at what concentrations.

In this particular case, Terra-Petra elected to run the following tests on the soil samples we collected from the site under a strict chain of custody protocol.

  • EPA 8260B by 5035 – Volatile Organics by GC/MS + Oxygenates/Gasoline Range Organics
  • EPA 6010B by 3050 – Title 22 CAM 17 Trace Metals by ICP-OES
  • EPA 7471A – Mercury by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption
  • EPA 9045C – pH
  • EPA 8270C-SIMS Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

With the laboratory results Terra-Petra was able to conduct a site assessment to delineate the potentially impacted area, which was approximately 90’-180’ .  The Soil sampling was implemented in accordance with the site-specific Soil Management Plan (SMP), which is essential for any development where impacted soils may be encountered. Within an SMP should be a section describing the specific response/remedial actions that will need to be carried out for any impacted soils.

Numerous agencies can become involved with remedial actions for projects in Orange County in particular. For example, the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) and Orange County Fire Authority as well as the local planning department will be notified and involved in such matters. Additionally, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the California Department of Conservation, Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) and South Coast Air Quality Management District may become involved until a no further action status is attained.

In the coming days and weeks Terra-Petra will be drafting and submitting a Work Plan to carry out the remedial activities under the oversight of the local agencies involved.

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