Terra-Petra congratulated its newest DMBI inspectors, Dave Akers, Kevin Costa, and Hector Flores earlier this month. On Monday, February 3rd, 2015, the three newest members of the Terra-Petra Deputy Methane Barrier Inspection Team successfully passed the written and oral portions of the DMB) examinations issued by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS). Dave Akers, whose history with Terra-Petra dates back to 2005, passed the test for a second time.
The addition of three new DMBIs to the Terra-Petra inspection team is a testament to the company’s exciting expansion and its efforts to continue to grow as an industry leader. As the onslaught of construction projects continues, Terra-Petra continues to stay prepared and flexible to meet clients’ inspection demands. Terra-Petra leads the environmental engineering industry, now, with 10 Deputy Methane Barrier Inspectors on staff. The extension of the design division will ensure that Terra-Petra retains its competitive edge.